At present the army consists of a core of foot troops, backed up by mounted
knights, artillery and a nearly finished Steam tank. Led, of course, by an assortment
of characters.
Two units each of crossbowmen and halbardiers
are compulsory in a 1000 point Warmaster Empire Army, so that's what I've got.
The crossbowmen are painted as Tilean allies, based on the Marksmen of Miragliano
from the Warhammer Dogs of war range.
The halbardiers are from Middenheim and Middenland, in either blue and white
quartered uniforms (Middenheim) or plain blue (Middenland).
I'm in the process of painting another two units each of these. The halbardiers
will all be Middenheim men, the crossbowmen may this time be Middenland state
troops. I may also get some Kislev foot troops, axemen and archers. Their profiles
are the same in the game as halbardiers and crossbowmen, so I can just substitute
them for the basic troops.
I also have one unit of handgunners, painted in the blue of Middenland (Middenheimers are very traditional and eschew the use of gunpowder) and a unit of Flagellants, dressed all in rags.
The first unit of cavalry in the army of the White Wolf is a unit of Knights
of the White Wolf. These are made using the White Wolf model that can be
found in the Empire characters pack. By judicious swapping I managed to get
12 of these beauties, enough for a complete unit.
Kislev winged lancers form my second unit of cavalry. I based them just 3 to a base to give them a looser, wilder feel, although it makes no difference under the rules, they're all just knights.
Lastly my unit of horse archers, again based only 3 to a stand for a wilder feel.
As part of my expansion to 2000 points I'll be painting some pistoliers, most likely in the blue of Middenland (young nobles from Middenheim want to be White Wolves and spend their time practising with hammers, not pistols!)
The hellblaster
is painted in the colours of Middenheim, which doesn't quite fit the background,
but I painted it without thinking. I guess it was a gift to the Elector Count
of Middenheim and he felt he couldn't turn it down!
A Hellblaster, with unfinished crew
The cannons are just in the royal blue of Middenland.
The mortar is somehow more appropriate I feel, it's a bit more primitive.
Lastly a steam cannon. I know, not really appropriate for a Middenheim army, but it's just such a cool model.......
This army usually goes to war led by a general | |
Two heroes, one mounted on a griffon | |
And a wizard. |