Artillery is a bit of a tricky one for a Middenheim army. According to the background Middenheim is a very traditional place, that keeps faith with the strength of a man's arm rather than new fangled black powder weapons. However in game terms artillery is just about essential for a Warmaster Empire army, human troops are weaker than most other troops in the game and the power of cannons helps redress the balance.
So I've not been entirely true to the background. The hellblaster is an awesome weapon and I just had to have one. The mortar I feel a bit more comfortable with, it looks more primitive, so it's crewed by Middenheimers. When i've used it I've used the rules for the Orc stone thrower, rather than cannon rules (with my opponents permission). The cannons I've painted in the blue of Middenland, which partly explains their presence, and the steamtank I can't really justify at all, but it's just such a great model!
Some of these models are old test pieces that were designed when Warmaster was being playtested and that I was lucky enough to get hold of.