The Kislevites are another very evocative unit. They're the reason my army is on snow bases. The idea for a combined Middenheim, Middenland and Kislev army came from the book Daemonslayer. Gotrek and Felix stop off in Middenheim on the way north and pick up a Kislevite noblewoman on the way. Clearly the ties between Middenheim, powerful city state of the north and Kislev, the Empires staunchest ally, are strong, soa combined army seemed appropriate. Eventually I may expand my Kislevites into a force in their own right (I've already bought the war wagon!) but for now, they remain as allies.
In battles I use the Kislev knights just as Knights and the archers use the rules from the Kislev army list (with my opponents permission, if he objects then they become pistoliers).
The models in these two units are old test pieces that were designed when Warmaster was being playtested and that I was lucky enough to get hold of.