Middenheim stands atop a huge rocky out crop deep in the mysterious forest of the Drakwald in the north of the Empire. To me it is one of the more evocative places in the Empire, filled with less civilised, barbaric Ulric worshipers. Part of the Empire, yet different.
In addition to my Warmaster army I've started on a White Wolf army for Warhammer, using the optional rules from the back of the Warhammer Armies: Empire book. At present I've not got very far, but one day I hope to be able to field a couple of thousand point of big Middenheimers.
The city of Middenheim is the location for the novel Hammers of Ulric, which contains lots of extra background detail for those wishing to make a White Wolf army. The city is also visited (by airship!) by Gotrek and Felix in the Daemonslayer novel.
Adventurers from Middenheim are amongst the most prominent warbands exploring the ruined city of Mordheim. Eventually I may get round to putting a warband of my own together.....
The colours of the city state of Middenheim are blue and white and some of the troops in my army are painted to reflect that fact. The Halbardiers are quartered in those colours, and the hellblaster is halved. The next two units of halbardiers I paint will probably be halved blue and white (quartering is a royal pain at this scale!). The White Wolves unit is painted in the traditional reds of that noble unit.